In Canada and the United States, sales taxes vary by jurisdiction anywhere from 0-15%. Taxes are generally not included on price tags and are added at the time of purchase. In order to get a more appropriate idea of the cost of a handbag in North America, add the following percentages to the prices found on (but beware that tax rates change and the information below is not guaranteed to be accurate):
Province | Tax Rate |
Alberta | 5% |
British Columbia | 12% |
Manitoba | 13% |
New Brunswick | 13% |
Newfoundland | 13% |
Nova Scotia | 15% |
Ontario | 13% |
PEI | 14% |
Quebec | 14.975% |
Saskatchewan | 10% |
United States - Popular Municipalities
State / Municipality | Tax Rate |
Ak - Anchorage | 0% |
AZ - Phoenix | 8.3% |
AZ - Scottsdale | 7.95% |
CA - Beverly Hills | 9% |
CA - Los Angeles | 9% |
CA - Newport Beach | 8% |
CA - San Diego | 8% |
CA - San Francisco | 8.75% |
CA - San Jose | 8.75% |
CO - Denver | 7.62% |
CT | 6.35% |
FL - Fort Lauderdale | 6% |
FL - Miami | 7% |
FL - Orlando | 6.5% |
FL - Palm Beach | 6% |
FL - Tampa | 7% |
GA - Atlanta | 8% |
IL - Chicago | 9.25% |
IN | 7% |
LA - New Orleans | 9% |
MA | 6.25% |
MD | 6% |
MI | 6% |
MN - Minneapolis | 7.775% |
MO - Saint Louis | 8.679% |
NC - Charlotte | 7.25% |
NJ | 7% |
NV - Las Vegas | 8.1% |
NY - New York City | 8.875% |
OH - Cincinnati | 6.75% |
OH - Columbus | 7.5% |
OR | 0% |
SC - Charleston | 8.5% |
TN - Nashville | 9.25% |
TX - Austin | 8.25% |
TX - Dalls | 8.25% |
TX - Fort Worth | 8.25% |
TX - Houston | 8.25% |
TX - San Antonio | 8.25% |
UT - Salt Lake City | 6.85% |
VA - Richmond | 5.3% |
Washington, DC | 5.75% |
Posting Date: Mar 30 2014