PursePrices.com aggregates worldwide handbag prices for some of the most premium luxury designers, particularly those who don't publicly list their prices online such as Chanel and Hermes. This information is presented in an easy-to-browse format that takes care of the homework for you. How? Through the contributions of a global network of fellow-minded handbag collectors just like you and me. So have a look around, register, share your own shopping experiences, and join the fun!
Happy Shopping,
Do your listed prices include tax?
How accurate are your prices, really?
Why doesn't a price I submitted show up?
Who should I contact about errors or mistakes?
Can I submit requests for prices not currently listed?
Why do you include certain designers and not others?
Our mission is to take the fuss out of pricing bags that are often unavailable for purchase
online. Because many of the most loved designers do have their prices available either on their official
websites or through secondary distributors such as department stores, we chose to focus on the
designers who don't. Should there be enough of a demand for additional designers, though, we would
definitely look into including them in our database.
Do your listed prices include tax?
In the US and Canada, prices listed in stores do not include tax so these for these countries prices will not
include taxes. In other countries such as Australia and France, tax is included in the price tag and therefore the prices
listed on this site will include taxes. Basically if your country of interest includes tax in the listed price, we
will too. Tax information for Canada and the US can be found here
Why Should I register?
Registering will allow you to share prices you've encountered, as well as enable you to thank other users for their helpful posts.
How accurate are your prices, really?
The prices listed on PursePrices.com are the combined efforts of our admin team as well as our
amazing user base, however, we are not affiliated with any of the included designers and distributors
themselves. As a result PursePrices.com in no way guarantees 100% that when you walk into a store the
price there will be the exact same as what we have listed here, but it will give you a good estimate from
which you can get started on your research.
Why doesn't a price I submitted show up?
First off, thanks for contributing! In an effort to minimize errors or mistakes, all submitted prices are reviewed by our team prior to being posted. We
aim to approve submitted prices within a few hours of submission.
Who should I contact about errors or mistakes?
We appreciate all assistance in identifying errors and mistakes on the site. We will definitely find this happening from time to time as there are price increases and discrepancies
from store to store! Please register with PursePrices.com and submit an updated price to help us and
fellow shoppers keep our numbers up to date. For technical issues, please notify us via email at Contact@PursePrices.com.
Can I submit requests for prices not currently listed?
Absolutely! When you do so our amazing community will see that you are requesting information on
your coveted purse, and if anyone in that area has any intel they would be able to help you out.